Do you ride a bike – or would you if you felt a little safer? Would you like to cycle to school or work – or pop down to the shops or seafront by bike? Would you like more cycle routes? And how could cycling be improved in and out of the Sid Valley?
These are some of the questions posed in a questionnaire released as part of the launch of the Sidmouth Cycling Campaign.
This is a new group coming out of the Vision Group for Sidmouth – bringing together local people with experience and enthusiasm to take cycling issues forward and to encourage cycling in the Sid Valley.
And these are clearly times where we need to be taking cycling seriously – as a way of cutting back on using the car and doing our bit to help the environment.
The town, district and county councils are clearly taking these issues seriously – and the Sidmouth Cycling Campaign hopes to be working together with the authorities to make things happen.
The Campaign is also working with fellow groups in Exeter and further afield in Devon, as well as with the national sustainable transport charity Sustrans.
If you have any concerns about cycling in the Sid Valley and any ideas for future improvements, please share them by filling in the questionnaire.
As of Saturday 12th November, you will be able to go online at the VGS website, when the questionnaire is released.
You can also go to the Library or Tourist Information Centre, where there will be paper copies of the questionnaire to fill in and leave for picking up.
The information-gathering exercise will be open until 31st December. All the results will be anonymous and will be published early in the new year.
You can find further details at www.visionforsidmouth.org/Sidmouth-Cycling-Campaign
And if you have any questions or suggestions please don’t hesitate to email us at sidmouthcyclingcampaign@gmail.com