If you have been thinking about volunteering, the Volunteer Fair could be for you.
Five local charities are getting together over two days (Friday April 1 and Saturday April 2) and would love to meet you and answer any queries you might have. Representatives from Sid Valley Help, Sid Valley Memory Cafe, Sidmouth Voluntary Services, Sidmouth Hospice at Home and Gateway will be there.
The Fair is in the Methodist Church Hall in Sidmouth High Street from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Please come along and see how you might contribute – free coffee and cake available!

You might also like to attend a Community Open Event (organised by Sidmouth Health and Wellbeing Action Team – WHAT) taking place at Sidmouth Sailing Club on Tuesday April 5 at 6.30pm, organised to share their achievements supporting young people’s health and wellbeing over the last two years.