Town Council invests in TIC with refreshing new look for visitors and residents

Sidmouth Town Council has this week celebrated the reopening and refurbishment of its new look Tourist Information Centre. Simon Jupp, MP for East Devon performed the cake cutting to mark a new chapter in tourism promotion in the town whilst commenting “It is so heartening to see the town council and its tourism information centre project with such a collaborative spirit in wanting to work together for the good of our town. I live here, I love our town, it’s a fantastic place. And now we have a very special brand to promote it – it is amazing.”

The newly overhauled building boasts more space and a lighter feel, more in tune with the Councils fresh Visit Sidmouth branding. Information has been refocussed on the Sid Valley and surrounding areas of East Devon as well as providing information on the many events in the area. The Town Council is one of the few in the country to retain a face to face presence which it feels is vital for communications with visitors and local businesses in the town. The town council’s revamp is part of a longer term strategic approach for the town’s tourism reliant economy. The centre is modernised and able to connect people to make digital bookings via the visit Sidmouth website as well as providing a warm and friendly and knowledge welcome for people face to face.
The new services available and the centre reflect new trends in the range of visitors who come to Sidmouth for everything it has to offer. It responds to the fact that those who are seeking a holiday or a day visit, appreciate what the town has to offer for example great independent shops and outdoor pursuits whether that be walking, cycling, sea-based leisure or just a relaxing reboot by the sea.
The new centre also has a new range of high quality and environmentally aware Visit Sidmouth merchandise for visitors to take home as well as for residents to gift to friends and families.

Councillor Louise Cole, Chair of the Tourism and Economy Working Group said “As a Town Council, we have worked hard, even before Covid, to make sure our town is promoted as the quality destination that it is, in a managed and responsible way. Our hospitality sector has been hit hard through the pandemic and it is vital that we support recovery if we are to have a resilient economy and welcome the visitors that will help that to happen. The challenges are significant but our commitment to continue to support businesses to evolve and adapt is part of a pathway to quality employment in the Sid Valley that can encourage young people to stay and supports residents to be able to enjoy the town as a vibrant place to live.”