As a part of Tree Week, private gardens with special interest trees and planting will be open FREE to the public for an exclusive one-day event on Saturday 4th May in the Sid Valley. Our Civic Arboretum is unique in the country and is home to a rich heritage of parkland and exotic trees.
Our extraordinary tree collection was planted by intrepid Victorians in the 19th century. They chose our Regency Seaside town, with its gentle microclimate, as a nursery for their finds. At the time the town was popular among fashionable Victorian holiday makers.
The Civic Arboretum was established in 2010 to preserve these trees and to plant replacements so that our children can inherit and enjoy our rich plant heritage.
Sidmouth Arboretum is a registered charity. Garden visits are FREE entry (Donations Welcome). For maps and more information about which gardens serve teas, visit our website.
Diana East, President of the Arboretum “Whether you seek a maple, a mulberry or a monkey puzzle you are sure to find a fine range of trees, large and small, in our valley gardens”.
Rebecca Lockyear Gardener and Artist “We love opening our garden, though it means lots of preparation time, as the visitors are so appreciative of our trees and stumpery.
We look forward to welcoming you on this special fun day out and sharing our enthusiasm for trees.