Home Culture Events The Devonshire Association – Devons Pioneering Technologists

The Devonshire Association – Devons Pioneering Technologists

2:30 pm 11 October 2024
4:00 pm 11 October 2024

Devon has had many scientific pioneers but some are more well known than others. In this entertaining presentation, Colin White will highlight the life and innovations of four of the less well known Devon scientists : George Bidder of Moretonhampstead; Thomas Fowler of Great Torrington; William Froude from Dartington and John Lethbridge from Newton Abbot. Come and hear about their contribution to our scientific heritage, still impacting us today.

This is a joint event organised by the Devonshire Association and Sidmouth Science Festival. Admission £3 by card (preferred) or cash, at the door

Event Detail (manorpavilion.com)

19 June 2024
Last Updated
19 June 2024