Home Culture Events SVA Guided Western Town Walk

SVA Guided Western Town Walk

10:30 am 24 August 2021
12:30 pm 24 August 2021

During the season the Museum runs guided Town and Geology Walks every week. In conjunction with Sidmouth Arboretum there are also guided Tree Walks on alternate Fridays

All Walks are £2.50 per person • Pay at the Museum • SVA members & under 16’s Free • All walks start and finish at the Museum • Knowledgeable guides • Walks take around two hours.

Guided stroll around the Western side of town, hearing about a Royal Death, King Chit and the Field by the Fort. No booking required.1.5-2hrs.

info@sidmouthmuseum.co.uk SIDMOUTH MUSEUM – Guided Walks

7 June 2021
Last Updated
9 June 2021
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