Pebble spotting
Saturday 9th October 2021 2:45 PM –to 3:15 PM
Location/Venue: All Saints Church All Saints Road Sidmouth EX10 8ES Tickets: Pebble spotting Tickets

Where can you find evidence of extreme environments from hot arid deserts and continent spanning oceans to even hotter magma deep under the earth and volcanoes spewing lava over vast areas? In a beach pebble! This talk will set you up for pebble spotting with advice on how to collect pebbles and help you identify the rocks they are made of.
Clive Mitchell is the classic British geologist with check shirt and beard, a beer drinker and passionate about rocks. Born in Bristol, he grew up in the village of Congresbury on the northern edge of the Mendips in North Somerset. Family holidays in Cornwall and Devon were spent collecting pebbles on the beach, his first introduction to geology. Scroll forward fifty years, Clive lives with his family in Nottingham and is an industrial minerals geologist at the British Geological Survey. He has been lucky enough to travel all over the planet especially Africa and the Middle East working on mineral resources. Clive is an enthusiastic geoscience communicator and can often be found online, especially on Twitter and Facebook, helping to identify rocks for keen amateur geologists.