Fossil detectives – performance by the children of Sidmouth C o f E school and ‘voices for the Future’
A musical drama featuring a MEGASONG composed and created by the children of the ‘Squirrels’ class from Sidmouth C of E school in collaboration with ‘Voices for the Future’.
Please book your free zoom tickets for the Sidmouth event via this link, Fossils and fungi performance by EVT Tickets, Sun 17 Oct 2021 at 17:00

Performed with British Sign Language and using 3-D models created by the class to accompany the song. It tells the story of how Mary Anning, a young girl from Lyme Regis, solved mysteries after she began digging up skeletons of large extinct reptiles. Although some Victorian scientists claimed her discoveries as their own, she provided clinching evidence for evolution and became an international expert in her own right.
Electric Voice Theatre is a contemporary music theatre a cappella ensemble, commissioning and creating vocal music for theatrical performance and participating in creative multi-disciplinary collaborations. Frances M Lynch is leading a Virtual Choir project featuring Mary Anning and Beatrix Potter, which consists of seven evening sessions. This is complementary to the project they will be doing at Sidmouth Primary. You can link to it via YouTube.