From 5.30 – 7.30 pm in Cannon Inn car park, High Street, Newton Poppleford, EX10 0DW
This year, for various reasons, our traditional Santa Sleigh outings will be restricted to visits for up to two hours, to several ‘static sites’ around the Sid Valley area. The Lions very much regret that Santa’s sleigh will not be able to tour individual roads in the area this year but Santa is really looking forward to seeing lots of children and adults at the sites listed below.
Donations to the Lions, which will be gratefully received, will be used for Sidmouth Lions Club’s community service and charity activities.

Sidmouth Lions are very grateful to Hall & Scott Estate Agents for sponsoring operating costs of the Santa sleigh; also to Central Garage, Sidford, for providing the towing vehicle and Steve’s Autos, Sidford, for their support.
The foregoing planned Santa activities may have to be changed due to events or restrictions beyond the Lions Club’s control. For any updates see ‘Latest News’ sub-page on the Lions website