Lions Club of Sidmouth
Santa’s Activities – Christmas 2022
Santa will be visiting Waitrose store at Stowford from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on Monday December 12, and then Wednesday 14 to Friday December 16.
All donations to the Lions, which will be gratefully received, will be used for Sidmouth Lions Club’s community service and charity activities.
Sidmouth Lions are very grateful to Hall & Scott Estate Agents for sponsoring the operating costs of the Santa sleigh; also to Central Garage, Sidford, for providing the towing vehicle.
PLEASE NOTE: The foregoing planned Santa activities may have to be changed or cancelled in the event that Covid-19 restrictions are reintroduced, or due to staffing issues. For updates see local press and ‘Latest News’ sub-page on Lions website www.sidmouthlions.org.uk