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Messy Church

3:30 pm 13 June 2024
5:00 pm 13 June 2024

This week we are looking at caring for God’s Acre and we will be meeting at Sidmouth Parish Church. We will be looking at the church yard and identifying what insects and plants live there and possibly helping with a nature national survey. Ed Dolphin and hopefully some other visitors will be there to help us too. Just a note that some of the gravestones are a bit crumbly so probably best the children stay off them. 

Then we will go into Blackmore Gardens about 4.30 for a song etc before finishing with a picnic tea of jam and soft cheese sandwiches and the Parish Church are going to make us some cakes. Nom nom. We are not asking for any money for this session to keep things simpler. Come when you can, after school and on this occasion you can park at All Saints Church if that makes it easier. You may wish to bring some wipes or hand gel before tea. If it’s a nice eveing you may wish to stay a bit longer… 
If the weather is poor we will go inside the church.

Messy Church (13-Jun-2024) · ChurchSuite Events

Sidmouth Messy Church | Messy Church

11 August 2023
Last Updated
12 June 2024
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