A delivery only Christmas Lunch on Christmas Day. There is such a lot of uncertainty with regards the latest strain of Covid and how quickly it’s spreading that it just isn’t worth putting our guests at risk. So, we will still be providing a hot turkey lunch with all the trimmings, a mini Christmas pud with custard and a goody bag. Any funds raised and not used will stay in the bank and go towards next years lunch, hopefully by then we will meet in the hall.
If anyone knows of someone who would like a meal delivered on Christmas Day please do get them to contact Carla Scott 07751382739

This event is for people who will be on their own on Christmas Day and without family. An opportunity to meet with others and enjoy a hot lunch.
Transport can be provided and booking is essential by contacting Carla Scott on 07751382739 or emailing sidmouthcommunitychristmas@hotmail.com
Helpers on Christmas Day will also be required, if you are free, have had both Covid jabs and would like to help then use the above contact details.