Sidmouth Writers Group From 2 to 4pm, last Friday of the month. Kennaway House Writers Group For further details, contact Philip Smith, 01395 515548 or Sidmouth Patchers and Quilters Mondays 10am – 2pm at the Masonic Hall Norman Lockyer Observatory The Norman Lockyer Observatory is both a historical observatory in Sidmouth, Devon, home to an active amateur astronomical… Sidmouth Amateur Radio Society The society holds weekly meetings at 19.00 hrs on Wednesdays, all welcome Meet up on the air Mondays… Poetry Please! Poetry Please! meets on the third Wednesday of the month from 2.30-4.45pm Sidmouth & District Lancastrian Association Sidmouth & Honiton Stamp Club 6.45 to 9.30pm (3rd Monday of the month). Sidmouth Amateur Dramatic Society Sidmouth Flower Arrangement Club 2.15pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise stated in our Programme. Sidmouth Model Railway Group Meetings Held on Tuesday Mornings 10:00am-12:00 Midday. Wednesday Evenings 7:00pm – 9:30pm. Please check website for details, Sidmouth MRG… Sidmouth Photographic Club Wednesdays at 7.00pm. Weekly meetings – new members and guests always welcome. Sidmouth Poetry Readers From 10am – 12 noon. We meet the second Weds of each month. Visitors welcome. Sidmouth Twinning Circle SIDMOUTH came to Twinning, with the charter between Sidmouth Town Council and that of Le Locle being signed… Sidmouth Welsh Society Meets the third Tuesday of the month.