Invitation for expressions of interest for the future use of the Ham Utility Building for Community or Commercial activity
Sidmouth Town Council is inviting interested parties, community based or commercial, who may be interested in using the Ham Utility Building (previously owned by South West Water) to submit their expression of interest and proposals to the Council.

Members of the Council have expressed a desire to make use of the former water company utility and storage building, which is alongside the Council’s Sensory Garden at the northern end of the Ham, Riverside Road, Sidmouth EX10 8BS.
The completely empty building interior has a floor space of 3.9m x 7.5m and is 2.5m to the ceiling inside. There is one access door and are currently no windows in the thick walled building. The Council is keen to hear from groups and/or individuals who could utilise the space for community and/or commercial based activities. It has water, power and waste connections.
The Council is particularly keen to receive proposals which could assist in helping to promote the town, reflecting the new Visit Sidmouth destination branding and the principles of the Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan.
“Our vision is of a Sid Valley that maintains and promotes its rural and coastal beauty and welcoming community and advances its appeal to young and old through providing a diverse economy to support a high quality of life, work and visitor experience.”
Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan
Proposal Information and expressions of interest
The Council invites you to detail your interest and would ask you do this via email including:
• an outline of your proposal including if it is for community purpose and/or commercial
• the length of and terms of lease you would prefer to see offered
• If a commercial activity, the approximate level of rent you would be prepared to pay per annum
• details showing how it reflects at least one or more of the criteria set out in Appendix A
The Council is at this stage, only investigating the possible interest that the building may generate and what groups could achieve in the space available. It may, however, initiate discussions with one or more organisations to further explore the expressions of interest with a view to future agreement.
Please email your expression of interest by 5pm Tuesday 30 November 2021 to Mr C E Holland, Town Clerk at: