Home FREE Election Hustings

Election Hustings

7:00 pm 19 June 2024
10:00 pm 19 June 2024

The Vision Group for Sidmouth will be hosting the Sidmouth General Election Hustings 2024 – which will be open to all voters in the Sid Valley who will be able to put questions to the candidates.

The event is free and does not require registration or a ticket to attend.

6.30pm Hall opens: submission of questions using forms provided

7.00 Introduction from the Chair, who will introduce each candidate

7.05 Each Candidate will have five minutes to introduce themselves and their campaign

7.30 Chair will select representative questions from those submitted online or on the door.

8.20: Each Candidate will have two minutes to sum up

8.30 The meeting will draw to a close.

How can questions be submitted?

Hustings present an opportunity to find out where candidates stand on issues voters care about, and their ability to communicate effectively.

Only questions submitted beforehand can be considered.

Online: Submitted through the contact form on the VGS website: www.visionforsidmouth.org/contact/

At the door: Forms will be provided with a cut-off time of 6.45pm. Attendees are asked to arrive early in order to submit questions at the door.

Election Hustings – Vision Group for Sidmouth (19-Jun-2024) · ChurchSuite Events

12 June 2024
Last Updated
12 June 2024
Published in