Home FREE Discussion of EDDC Local Plan with Councillors

Discussion of EDDC Local Plan with Councillors

2:00 pm 24 June 2024
5:00 pm 24 June 2024

Sidmouth Town Council would like to hear your views on the new East Devon Local Plan which East Devon District Council are currently preparing. Town Councillors will be on hand to discuss the proposals in the Leigh Browne Room, Dissenter of Sidmouth, All Saints Road (opposite Tesco) on Monday 24th June anytime between 2pm and 5pm.

Have Your Say Today – East Devon Local Plan Further Consultation – Commonplace

Have Your Say Today – – East Devon Local Plan Further Consultation (commonplace.is)

Have Your Say Today – Green Wedges – East Devon Local Plan Further Consultation (commonplace.is)

10 June 2024
Last Updated
14 June 2024
Published in